
Monday, March 9, 2015

Rebates: The Biggest Coupons There Are!

I'm sure we're all familiar with what rebates are...
but do you actually take advantage of them?!
For the longest time I'd see things online or on packages about a rebate
and pretty much ignore them.
WHY?! This means you can get a product for FREE or a large reimbursement on the product.

You can find rebates on the actual product, in coupon inserts in your newspaper,
online and in store.
The forms usually request basic information (name, address, email), have you include the UPC code from the product packaging and the original receipt. It really takes no longer than 5 minutes.
Pop it in the mail and wait for your money! (Sometimes you can even submit online.)

It can take 6-8 weeks (or longer) to receive your rebate. I like to keep a post-it in my planner with a list of rebates I have submitted so I can keep track of the ones I have received and ones I am sill waiting on.

This year alone I have already submitted for $65 in rebates. And this is on products that I would buy whether or not a rebate was attached to the product or not.

Here are the rebates I have submitted for so far this year:
  • $20 giftcard rebate on Nutro dog food. 
  • $15 giftcard rebate on Swiffer mop. 
  • $10 cash rebate on paint at Lowes.
  • $5 cash rebate on purchase of Advil.
  • Rebate for the purchase price of Zantac. ($8.99)
  • PLUS I recieved a post card in the mail from the local transportation department that offered me $5 cash for taking a survey on a new road they are building. 

Here are some current rebates that are available:

Make sure to read all of the details of the rebates. You want to make sure you purchase the correct items and submit the rebates properly. Remember, you can also use coupons on the products that you will be submitting rebates for.
So keep your eyes open for rebates. Don't pass them's free money!

Do you submit for rebates? Or do you tend to pass them up?

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