
Friday, March 6, 2015

3.6.15 // High Five for {the little things} Friday!

Hi Friday. So glad to see you! I'm looking forward to the weekend. How about you?
It's time for another round of High Five for Friday - looking back on some of the little highlights from this past week.

1. Took the kids to the children's museum over the weekend and they had a blast! It was a special Health Expo day so admission was half off. Perfect! We met the sweetest pet therapy dog named Bruce Lee while we were there.

2. This is a repeater. I'm sorry. But I had the Starbucks Chocolate Caramel muffin again!

3. I received an email from Starbucks with a coupon for a FREE breakfast sandwich. So the following day I treated myself to a Bacon, Egg and Gouda sandwich and a grande coffee. Such a treat for me since I bring my own breakfast and coffee from home during the week.

4. My daughter pretty much grew out of her shoes over the weekend so we got to do a little toddler shoe shopping. Seriously...sometimes its hard to narrow down the choices!

5. We rented the movie FURY from Redbox on Sunday. LOVED it. Quite brutal parts to it but I thought the movie was really well done. My husband is always surprised when I like any kind of war movie. Ha!

How was your week? Hope you have a great weekend!

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