
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My New Little Aloe Plants

Happy Hump Day! Boy have these past few weeks seemed crazy to me.
I'd love to be ahead of the game but I'm still trying to just barely get caught up with things.
Just a quick little post today.

Our neighbor was so sweet and brought down a few pieces from her aloe plant.
She was trying to get it cleaned up because aloe plants seem to grow like crazy!
She replanted a few of her pieces and then brought down two little buckets with some for us.

My husband's first thought was "I am not planting that, it will take over our yard!"
He was about to toss them when I found these cute buckets stashed in my pantry from my daughter's birthday party.
I've seen all kinds of succulents planted in small, tin buckets and thought I'd try doing the same with the aloe.

I just stuck a little soil in the bottom of the bucket, situated the aloe how I wanted it and filled the rest of the bucket up with the soil.

Trimmed the little guys up and they look adorable!
They are kind of long and wild looking but I like that about them.
I placed one at my desk at home and one at work.

Ever snag flowers or plants from your yard to spruce things up inside?

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