
Friday, March 27, 2015

3.27.15 // High Five for {the little things} Friday!

I am SINGING that it is Friday!
It flew by and I feel like I need another one of me and 8 more hours in the day. 
Well...Happy Friday! My five little things for the week are below.

1. We rented Nightcrawler from Redbox this week. It was a longer movie at over 2 hours and I stayed up and alert the whole time. (Sometimes hard for me to do!) But in the end I wasn't sure how I actually felt about the movie. Have any of you seen it? What did you think?  

2. I FINALLY found a high waist two piece bathing suit at Target for $33! I've had a one piece for the past few years, which is adorable but I'm not a fan of using the restroom in a one-piece (sorry?! lol) and I feel like I can move around a little better in a two-oiece. Since having babies, I'm not comfortable with all the low cut two-pieces so this was perfect! These types of suits should be available more in stores. They are really hard to find!

3. We have family in town from New York this week through next week. It is SO NICE to see them and spend time with them. The kids adore them and they adore our children. Can't wait until we can be the ones visiting them in New York again!

4. And so in addition...I have today, Monday and Tuesday off for VACATION! Yay! 

5. I took these aloe plants that our neighbor gave us a few weeks ago and finally planted them in these tin, polka dotted buckets. Quick post over here if you missed it. Now they are hanging out in my home and work office. 

How was your week? Did you week fly by like mine?

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