
Friday, July 10, 2015

7.10.15 // High Five for {the little things} Friday!

Hi! Happy Friday! The weeks go by and I barely get to squeeze in much more than work, eating, sleeping and repeat. Ha! Glad to see the weekend and hoping we get the chance to finally head to the pool or splash pad. I need to break in my new swim suit!
On to my top five favorite little things from this past week...

1. I worked an event Friday night for 4th of July which was so fun! And Saturday for the actual 4th of July, we had a neighborhood street party which got pushed into our garage due to rain. Oh the rain, it put a bit of a damper on our party and fireworks but it was still fun none the less. I didn't get to take any pictures during the festivities (because you know...rain...) so I will leave you with a picture of Andy Grammar watching the fireworks from the night before. ;-)

2. I was finally able to clean the inside of my car over the weekend! It was in serious need of a good vacuum and wipe down. Do you know what kind of things you can find under car seats and in crevices when you have kids?! Food crumbs from who knows how long ago, band-aids...yuck! My car is all fresh and clean now and smells like Sun and Sand thanks to these little guys from Yankee Candle. I got a bunch of fragrances during their last sale for under $1.50 each pack.

3. We finally replaced the plant that has been slowly dying by our patio door. So nice to see life again from this new plant we brought it. Just have to work on remembering to water it...

4. I mentioned in the last Friday post how I've been taking my kids to the library for a heroes program they have put on. Well, I have to share that we went again to learn about service dogs and meet this incredibly sweet dog named Gabriel. He is a service dog for people with diabetes. I wish I got a picture of his little face because he has one floppy ear and one that goes straight up. *melts*

5. And last but not least....that dang bag of Cheetos that got left at my house from the 4th of July is finally gone! LOL I don't buy them, they are not at all good for you, yet if they are in my presence I can not resist!

How was your week? Did you have a great 4th of July?! 


  1. What a wonderful library program. I love the lil Yankee candle sticks and what a deal!! I hope you have a spectacular and restful weekend!!

    1. I am so glad I found out when it started this year. It as been so great! You too, enjoy your weekend!

  2. HAHA! I am the same way with chips in our house. I don't buy them normally, but if they're here, all I hear is the bag calling my name. All day. All night.

    Sorry your 4th of July party got rained out, but it sounds like you made the best of it! Do what you have to do! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

    1. Yup...torture! :-( Thank you, enjoy your weekend as well!!
