
Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day: The Table Set-Up

Oh Happy Friday to you! Just one more day until the infamous love day.
You know- you don't have to go all out. $100 dinner at a restaurant that you KNOW is going to be packed and the wait is going to be entirely too long.
Having your loved one(s), whether it be kids or a significant other, wake up to a really cute little Valentine's Day set up can be just as special.

Pardon the pictures as they were old and not taken 'for a blog,' but I came across some Valentine's Day table set up pictures from a few years ago that I wanted to share.
(I had ones from other years but can't find them...organizing my photos is a whole other project I have to tackle!)

Hit up the dollar store; dig out everything you own in pink, red and white; bake up some treats.

- All of the dishes and vases were gathered from around the house.
- The napkins, confetti, box of Whoppers, tablecloth and red flowers are from the Dollar Tree.
- I baked the cupcakes and made the chocolate covered strawberries.
- I cut out the circles for the MY SWEET heart sign from construction paper I had.
- And I think I found the peppermints in my pantry.

Think you'll set up a little Valentine's Day table? Please share if you do!

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