
Friday, February 20, 2015

2.20.15 // High Five {for the little things} Friday!

Happy Friday!
I wanted to try something a little different today. One of my favorite bloggers, Lauren Elizabeth, used to do a High Five for Friday post which was a link up every Friday where fellow bloggers posted five highlights from their week. It was fun to peek at a list of a person's favorite things for the week. She passed on the torch to the ladies I am linking up with today.

high five friday

1.I received beautiful red roses from my husband for Valentine's Day. Love having fresh flowers in the house!

2. The kid's (and my husband) woke up to this little Valentine's Day set up. The kids were jumping, squealing and so excited! My son kept saying "Oh wow, is this for me?!" and my daughter was giddy over the bee balloon. Just LOVED seeing their reaction.

3. Finally rented a Redbox for the first time in over two weeks. We saw Gone Girl and it. was. awesome! Highly recommend. I wanted to read the book first but I think I'm OK with still trying to read it after seeing the movie.

4. I caught the cat sunbathing on the stairs. It was a pretty cool day and I would have liked to sunbath right next to him. So stinkin' cute!

5. I saved $26.13 at Publix this week from sales, BOGO deals and coupons. Small trips this week (spent $36.58 total) at Publix but love seeing the savings.

Any little thing you found exciting or made you happy this week

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