
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!!


I literally have NO readers as of yet. I just finally hit PUBLISH on my very first post.
I've been tinkering with starting a blog for YEARS but haven't felt confident enough to just
go for it. It's weird...but I have always felt in my heart that it's what I should go for.
I have this passion for saving money and being creative and love to share it with
all of my friends and family.

I'm hoping 2015 will bring some new and exciting things and changes.
For me, I've been saying 2015 will be the year of re-do's...with relationships, career, finances...

And I hope YOU have a wonderful and fresh 2015!!

I've heard that eating Black Eyed Peas on New Year's Day brings good luck. It's a tradition for
 a lot of people. So, we'll be having Black Eyed Peas and Ham for our New Years dinner. YUM!

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